What is my social media for?

My general disappointment with the social media platforms at my disposal can be whittled down to one word: power. Or lack thereof.

If the promise of social media is connection, I suppose that’s okay. But the real world is always better for connection than any screen can be. I have some close friends IRL and we barely have any digital interaction. Why? I suppose because the connection I feel on any number of social media platforms is so weak. The bonds created there are not strong. So as my disappointment has grown, the connection feature of the platforms matters to me less and less. Why I still stick around is power. And Influence.

The need to be heard, the need to share my work, my ideas, my rage. If what I share in search of power also brings connection, I’m okay with that. But if it’s just about connection, I don’t see any social media platform worthy enough to put time into in order to gain that benefit. I’d rather have a beer with you and shoot the shit. Outside of that, I’m sure you’re busy, I’m busy, blah blah blah.

These tools I use to push for a better, more progressive world. And they aren’t so great at doing that. But in the flux of the chaos of the day, I still see them as needed tools and I’ll continue using them as such. To simply connect to stay in touch or catch up, na. Let’s talk on the phone or at the bar or on a walk around the neighborhood. Or at the very least, a text or email direct is way better than a post put out into the ether. The types of things we’ll connect on I don’t want spied on or data-fied anyway. I’d prefer our conversation to be lost in the wind.

What I want these platforms to learn from me instead is the need for a united progressive agenda in order to make our country and our planet better for everyone. That’s what I use social media for.

Looking for Power

If you’re a citizen, and you vote, there’s power in that. If you’re a worker, and you work, there’s power in that too. If you use social media, you’re connected, but so what, where’s the power? The cold blooded answer is that there isn’t any. At least not on the scale needed. If you were enticed to be involved with social media more for the amplifying of your voice, for expressing your ideas, for making your view of the world visible to more and more people, which I was, then you need to rethink your approach to social media. Because the power you get is so neglible that the time spent on it is probably not worth it.

Designer Plus

Talking about the need for quality designers, the subject of skills often comes up. Sure, quality designers need to design and design very well. Aspiring to be experts when it comes to color and composition, typography and form. That’s a given. Logos, posters, websites, reports, campaigns, etc. But after that, there must be more. The profession of graphic designer should also come with extra flare for making projects happen. This can include any number of these items:

  • User Experience

  • Motion Design

  • Illustration

  • Photography

  • Web Development

  • Writing

  • Social Media

  • Something else?

The projects that offer the most opportunity for something special need designers who can think and bring more to the table than simply a narrow view of pixels and ink.

Was that the best thing that you’re going to do?

Say you make this thing. It lands, big time. It establishes you. Because of it, you’re able to make your mark. And with it as a marker, you can work it to lead to more things. You’re somewhat known for it. Respected, sought after, appreciated. But after, then what? Is that all you’ve got? Maybe so. And that just might be the way of it. Or you can try to elevate to that best thing you’ve done and make that your standard. If doing the original thing is hard, that consistency is even harder. And it’s what separates the people who just put in time from the people who want more out of all of this. The former can be fine, the latter exhausting, and the decision between the two the most important you’ll ever make.

My Presidential Short List

Top 5 Candidates

Here are my favorites to be the next president:

  • Kamala Harris

  • Elizabeth Warren

  • Cory Booker

  • Pete Buttigieg

  • Beto O’Rourke

Poster: I Dissent!

While true, Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a woman of small size, her impact on the country and her stature in the minds of the people who love her is massive. 3 letters is all you need; direct, big, bold, in your face. A small sign-off of “I Dissent!” as a response to this political insanity we are living through. The small crown icon as a shoutout to the cultural references to Biggie where she’s shown with one atop her head. Designed pro bono for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.

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30 Hours

Can you change the world by working just 30 hours a week? I think yes. If you work hard enough, and are very intentional.