The Top 10 Albums of 2016

The albums that pushed me through this year of intensity and loss, of dread and motivation. The music out there in the world is always a sign of our great potential for beauty, harmony, understanding, and hope. For me, these are the albums of 2016, in no particular order:

I’ve always known Beyoncé is really something special. But until this year, nothing she’s done has really spoken to me. Then she released “Formation.” And the Earth stood still. Also, special shoutout to that new Beck song “WOW.” Still can’t believe how amazing it is. Finally, I discovered Valerie June this year. Can’t wait for January 27, 2017.

Must Seek Truth

Must Warn Others. Must Seek Truth. Must Search On Forever. Must Seek Truth. Must Look Under Every Rock. Must Seek Truth. Must Look Past The Counter Clock. Must Seek Truth. Must Not Give In To Boredom. Must Seek Truth. Must Not Seek Life Down In The Showroom. Must Seek Truth. Must Know The Sound Of The Droning Hum. Must Seek Truth. Must Know Where To The Liars Run. Must Seek Truth. Must Hold Firm. Must Seek Truth Because The Naysayers And The Salesman Are There At Every Turn. Must Seek Truth.

What I know now vs. what I knew then

This may seemed contrived. I do think I’m far too young to have this sort of wishy-washy BS of a post come through my blogroll as something I’d put out there into the professional design world. If I only knew then what I know now as an idea has always annoyed me. It seems over-used and not all that compelling.

However, something keeps coming up in how I think about design that’s different to how I used to think about it. Now, versus then, I know how to get things done. That’s big. Without that, you need more time, more help, account service, more money, salesmen, more options, project management, and so on. Without knowing how to get things done you are lost in a wilderness of either endless creativity or endless revision. 

I know how to get things done. And I’m confident in that. Probably the biggest difference from young Justin to older Justin. Having gotten better at getting things done over the years has meant the difference between just carrying on and actually completing something. Once complete, it’s then on to the next.

How to be a good designer

I think this could potentially be a longer post for Medium. (Like this one.) But for the time being, a short blog will do.

This might have originated from a late night conversation with Joe Sparano about how there just aren’t that many 45-year-old designers. Lots in their 20s and 30s, but 40s, hmmm. Design is a young person’s game. Seemingly. So how do we design our careers for effective longevity? I think a lot of it goes into these 4 points that have made me a decent designer currently:

  1. Every single bit of feedback and critique is helpful. 
  2. If you aren’t wrong now, you will be.
  3. Learn, adjust, adapt, and do NOT stand still.
  4. Know what you want the world to look like in 5 years.

I think these 4 points are what make you a good designer. Not talent or location. Not your personality or the clients you have. Perhaps I’ll add to this list or think more deeply about each point. But for now, if you want to be a good designer, get familiar with these.

    When the turn time is just so fast... have no idea even if the thing you just designed is any good at all. You just pull your wits together and get it done. You execute. Something out of nothing. For a purpose. For a cause. And you send it out into the world so quickly you are unsettled. Sometimes this is good. In these situations, you simply aren’t allowed to get in your own way. Sometimes this is bad. You just don’t allow the design to be refined and perfected so what gets released is subpar. This is common in activist design. It’s certainly a rush. Sometimes it can get tiring. But it does keep you coming back for more. Get ready, get set, go!

    Give Give Give

    Today is #GivingTuesday. A global day of giving where we can support some of our favorite nonprofit organizations who are out there doing good work day in, day out. The Union for Contemporary Art is moving into an exciting new home in north Omaha. Bold Alliance is taking action to build tiny solar barns to stop the Dakota Access pipeline. Nebraska Appleseed is looking to raise $50k by the end of the week. Hear Nebraska supports artists and helps shape the state’s growing reputation as a cultural destination. Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance improves children’s health through healthy homes. And KEXP, well, they are simply amazing. Remember Omaha Gives! 2017 is scheduled for May 24th.