
A series of collages that showcase the big systems surrounding us and defining our days. Assembled with found imagery from various stock sources and the Library of Congress, the imagery is paired with lyrical reflections on how these systems define us — property, currency, the stories we tell, generations, etc.

Conceptualized loosely around the idea of the demo. As in, if I had the time and the talent to make these songs, that’d be ideal. But I don’t, so they’ll exist as pieces of graphic design instead.

13 years

These days I find myself working with my favorites teams ever. We’re collaborating, pushing ourselves, taking on big challenges, working through lots of moving parts, and everything simply feels really exciting.

It’s wonderful to be amongst such thoughtful people who are so focused on making a difference in their own way, using their power as they see fit. Together we’re pushing ahead, towards the dream, enjoying the journey, and acknowledging these are special days, days which I will always hold dear.

After 13 years, I’m lucky to be in such a good place with this design career. Much love to all of you who have helped make it all possible. Here we go!

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The Sprinter x 20

We filmed The Sprinter on handheld Super 8mm on May 18, 2003. Our story of living in an age of mass media, data smog, and oversupply of information:

  • Act I: Melody, Interruption

  • Act II: Grind, Overload

  • Act III: The Release

A fifteen-minute short film about an excursion from inside the city to out. My first rally realized creative act and the last time I played music. And one of my favorite projects with Jason Hardy. Twenty years later, our oversupply of information has only increased with the need for release ever present. Reclaim your time, run hard, for you and only you, repeat.