FOUND: fragments and artifacts, in a flash

What happens in the FOLLOWING:


Grasping for connection
Worlds at our finger tips
Where did we come from
Where are we going to
Our networks are networked


Walls fall down in the stories we tell
History lies in the stories we tell
Dreams come true in the stories we tell
Violence breaths in the stories we tell
Our sleep comes quick now we rest well


This is intended to be set to music, but what that sounds like is unknown. A book project designed around an unfinished idea: the demo. As a piece of graphic design it’s very much complete, but what it’s supposed to be really, not even close.

It’s possible to consider this an American xennial response to the modern world. Pieces of moments and memory — then, now, and the future. Slogans, lyrics, poems, manifestos, and calls-to-action alongside loose assemblies of photographs, diagrams, clippings, and other imagery found in numerous online sources.

We’re surrounded by all these structures, this machinery. It weighs us down, it gives us great freedom, it’s ever-present, it’s nowhere really. In the end, it’s what we’ve got, and we all deal with it, one way or another.

2023: Self-Initiated Project, Graphic Design, Book

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