Art to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination and/or Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy

We can simply allow the pandemic to keep pushing aside our lives or we can push back forcefully and with great purpose. While the headlines have been dominated by the death and destruction caused by COVID-19 for most of the last two years, there is a way to keep it from taking over our lives in wave after wave for the foreseeable future: GET VACCINATED.

The vaccine is truly a marvel of modern medicine. It has brought hope amidst despair. It is offense rather than defense. It is light at the end of the tunnel if only we walk toward it. There is no point to willfully let the pandemic rage on in full force. It is in our power to put an end to it.

It is time to seize that power for the good of all.

A Project by Worlds Of Connections »

Nebraska Today Press »