Do we have to replicate?

Do we need to insist on doing something worthy of our time and then doing it again over and over? Maybe we can just push all our being into one explosive release of heart, emotion, and spirit and that is all. That’s it. All we need. Maybe there is no more. It came, it was realized, and then we move one.

MoAH (2013)


The Museum of Alternative History offers a selection of the fittest explanations for the nature of the world and universe, and alternate histories contrary to … well … history.


The Museum of Alternative History is about a fake, revised, and twisted history. It is a show about opinions supplanting facts, or using selective facts to make a disingenuous argument based on opinions. It’s about forcing personal beliefs onto others. 

The Filter Bubble (2011)


Trapped in our own little bubble without challenging viewpoints or people who disagree with us is certainly no way to behave in a democracy. Eli Pariser’s TED Talk on the filter bubble lays out the negative effects of Internet personalization based only on the things we like.


The negative effects of filter bubbles, both yours and mine, have come to pass in more ways than one. The Internet is in crisis. The echo chamber is keeping us walled off in our own little corners of belief. The algorithms are winning. And the things we like are showing their ugly side.

The Sprinter (2003)


A story of living in an age of mass media, data smog, and oversupply of information, yet finding sanctuary from the channels of high gloss with the solemn rituals that lose themselves in the shuffle and are reclaimed for an instance.


A story of living in an age of social media, data manipulation, and the bombardment of information, yet finding relief from the algorithms of infinite feeds with the awakening rituals that lose themselves in the simulation and are reset for an nanosecond.

The Recharging Robot

My latest on Medium

In the last few months I’ve found myself saying I just need to recharge. The battery needs to get above 50% for a good amount of time. The power has been draining and it needs to be filled back up. As if I were a robot. But I’m not a robot, I’m a human. With inefficiencies, forgetfulness, and randomness. Full of flawed thinking and irrational behavior. (Shocker to the free-market economists out there.)

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