Productive in a Pandemic

UPDATE: It needs to be said, you’re not working from home. You’re keeping it together, in the midst of a global emergency, scared and uncertain, and you’re trying to get some work done to hold onto the normalcy of a past life while hoping the boulder you’re pushing up the hill gets to the other side soonish.

How in the hell are you supposed to do it? Get productive. Be productive. Stay productive. Your livelihood still depends on you being able to get shit done. No let up, no quit. You are insanely grateful you’re in an industry where you still can work. As long as the internet connection holds and the battery stays charged, you’re good to go. The hardware, the setup, and the arrangements have all been taken care of. Those haven’t changed. You just need to do the job. The people you’re working with are still there. They’re ready to go. And you are so goddamn glad they are. This is no time to be idle. The time is now to make, make, make. For you may not get many more chances. I know, I know, a bit dramatic. But this is a pandemic remember. We’re in it. There’s no going back now.