We lose out in the fragments

When the short reels of Seinfeld clips find their way to me, I feel the love in those 10-15 seconds for sure. Why? Because those seconds are drawn from a significant amount of input.

I’ve put in tons of time with full episodes over many years and it’s bearing a LOT of fruit.

Those clips mean way less without all the time put in.

From a recent interview with Michael Stipe in the Times, there’s a quote from some kid about how he loves only a small bit of a song. 10-15 seconds maybe. That idea bothers me so much. Why do we need full songs when we can just have the hook?

Put as plainly as I can: kids, we need full songs!

As everything gets compressed into fragments, we miss out on a fuller understanding, fuller joy, fuller intensity, fuller jokes, fuller whatever else.

If you watch a 90 minute soccer game on fast forward you aren’t able to feel the beauty. You get to the “good bits” quicker but they mean less. There’s no build up.

Without the buildup and release that follows, the experience is diminished. It’s weakened. Made cheaper. We lose out.

A small corner of a masterpiece isn’t worth as much as the full work. The process that went into the masterpiece adds more layers of intrigue and delight. How it fits into society adds more. What’s the audience reception? That adds even more.

A fragmented life is less fulfilling. We miss out on so much if we only take the hook and leave all the other bits behind.

Do > Say

I take notice more in what I see done rather than what I hear said. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

Standing Desks

We’ve recently made a big office update at Round and Round. New desks. Ones where you can sit or you can stand. And getting switched up on the position you’d like is easy breezy lemon squeezy. A smart choice when it comes to health. It’s just not good for you to sit all day. And the move allows us to get 5 permanent desks in the space with 1 side hustle spot. Meaning, interested in coworking? Yeah ya are.

Speak Human

I’d much rather speak like a human. That’s typically how I’ve gone through this life. There have been exceptions, but for the most part, I like using words that make me sound like a person. Not like a salesman, not like a robot, and definitely not like a social media persona. Because that’s not real, and we all know it.