Sticker Shop

Celebrating 10 Years of Round and Round

Get excited people, we now have an online shop! We’ve been brick and mortar for quite some time now. In our time in this building, we’ve dabbled in selling design stuff here and there. But now we’re official. An online store now lives. Big deal. BFD. It drops with a few of our signature projects. Expect more over the coming months.

Hi 5s!


Q – What’s the quickest way to get yourself dropped as a client?

A – You hassle me when it comes time to pay.

Equality Legal Action Fund

New brand launch: We fight extremism and disinformation.

A group of volunteer attorneys and advocates who are dedicated to fighting extremism and disinformation against educators, public officials, election officials, and members of the LGBTQ community. No American deserves to be the target of defamation, harassment, and intimidation.


It’s a drag. Everybody knows it. The responsibility, the aging, the bills, the exhaustion. Yes, parenthood is incredibly hard. Your body losing its luster is not fun. Living these days costs a lot of money. And keeping it all going really wears you out.

Being an adult, it’s such a bummer.

However, there is also light.

If the Internet is always pointing out how terrible adulting is, often giving only one side of the story, we’re more likely to be all distraught about actually being an adult.

Rather than going into the existential benefits of getting older, I’d like to call attention to a couple WINS associated with having more time on this Earth. Here goes:

  1. My T-shirt wardrobe is really super solid these days. Bands, politics, graphics, etc. It’s very good.

  2. I’m super stoked on my vinyl collection. It’s not huge, but it’s very good.

These things only happen with age. Accumulation, memory, choices, taste, curation, joy. The addition of all that makes for a great end result. Vinyl and Ts! They make me smile. And it’s because of adulting.

Take that, Internet.

Being an adult is a complicated endeavor. There is darkness, but there is also light. And I’m choosing to shine it on a couple superficial accomplishments, both of which I owe to being an adult.

With that said, now I gotta go, the school called, and the kiddo is sick.

Unique Selling Proposition: We’re not an agency

Not into 5-day turnarounds or Zooms with a ton of bodies racking up the billable hours? Website features you don’t know how to use or even want? Design options way too trendy to be close to the mark you want to hit? Confined feedback sessions where speaking up isn’t how it’s done? Bloated retainers, unhelpful creative directors, or middle people in between you and the person making the work? And since they do everything in-house they expect you to use and pay for everything they have in-house?

Yeah, we’re not into any of that either. Hence, you should work with us if you’re into the opposite of the above things.

Talk soon,

To do: design

We are setup and in the office to get to do design for people and organizations who value what we bring to the table. When clients understand this and we move along together in the process, it’s magic. When clients don’t understand this and instead put up many road blocks for us in order to get to the design, it’s a bummer. And we cut you loose. Thanks for playing.