Go Vote by May 14

OK Nebraska. You showed up in 20202022 and in city elections in 2023. You are changing the political landscape but we have work to do! We gotta get election denying, climate denying, and just flat out mean politicians OUT OF OFFICE.

The primary election is on MAY 14, 2024 and the general election is on NOV 5, 2024 so get after it.

Now with videos!

Equality Legal Action Fund

New brand launch: We fight extremism and disinformation.

A group of volunteer attorneys and advocates who are dedicated to fighting extremism and disinformation against educators, public officials, election officials, and members of the LGBTQ community. No American deserves to be the target of defamation, harassment, and intimidation.

1,329 people

Police killed at least 1,329 people in 2023. It’s the deadliest year for police violence since 2013. There were just 14 days in the entire year where police did not kill someone in the United States, a troubling and undeniable fact that we have an epidemic in this country that requires us all to step up and protect our communities.