Freedom Is Attacked, Vote for Democracy

When freedom is attacked, vote for democracy. These times we’re living in are certainly threatening, but I think we’ll prevail. And there will be a future for those who come after us. To ensure that happens, get out there into the political process, mix it up, and do what you can. And then vote. The right to the future is freedom, and the right to vote is freedom.

Neighborhood Equity

A new poster campaign for this place and the people who make it great. inCOMMON alleviates poverty at a root level by uniting and strengthening vulnerable neighborhoods. The posters are designed to be vibrant and hopeful and to reinforce the very important ideas at the core of what inCOMMON is all about:

  • The zip code where we start shouldn’t limit where we go

  • Neighborhood development should not equal neighbor displacement

  • Neighborhood change is driven by neighborhood leaders

Home Edition Exhibition

Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art
September 6 – November 12, 2022

Chaffey College and the Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art proudly present Home Edition. When the pandemic hit the U.S. in 2020 and we began to isolate, we had to rethink the ways in which we would connect to students, faculty, artists and community members. Like other cultural institutions and organizations, we worked to provide materials for our audiences that were virtually accessible. In addition, we wanted the content we developed to be thoughtful, relevant, and we wanted it to advance the collective missions of the college and museum. The result was a virtual series of curated conversations and lectures with artists, workshops and tutorials, and other collaborative programs that we called Home Edition.


Art to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination and/or Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy

We can simply allow the pandemic to keep pushing aside our lives or we can push back forcefully and with great purpose. While the headlines have been dominated by the death and destruction caused by COVID-19 for most of the last two years, there is a way to keep it from taking over our lives in wave after wave for the foreseeable future: GET VACCINATED.

The vaccine is truly a marvel of modern medicine. It has brought hope amidst despair. It is offense rather than defense. It is light at the end of the tunnel if only we walk toward it. There is no point to willfully let the pandemic rage on in full force. It is in our power to put an end to it.

It is time to seize that power for the good of all.

A Project by Worlds Of Connections »

Nebraska Today Press »

Dissent, power, progress

For love of country, for love of our communities and the people who live in them, we stand up and speak out. We talk back to nonsense. We hold the line against hate. We thoughtfully, and with reason, refute lies and other falsehoods by people who hold personal distain for truth. 

After 9/11, as the country entered a dumb war, leftists and peace activists were labeled as cowards and unpatriotic. We weren’t then, we aren’t now. Dissent is a pillar of how America has progressed. Despite the American flaws so evident now under the current president, we can, of course, still correct. 

Take a knee to protest racial inequality and systemic oppression. Take the streets to demand rights for all. We aren’t taking back anything, we’re taking the time to push forward. Dissent for the needs of others, dissent to defend truth, and dissent for the love of country.

Black Lives Matter

via The Union:

Following the killing of James Scurlock, a 22-year old unarmed Black man in Omaha on May 30, 2020, The Union began mass producing screen-printed Black Lives Matter posters. Thousands have already been distributed for free to our community and we are working hard to keep up with demand.

To help spread the message of solidarity far and wide, we've made some pdfs of the design available here in different sizes. Feel free to download and print from your office printer or use the file to make your own prints.

Hold the Line

Why all the fuss? Why can’t we go out? Why do we have to stay home? It’s not all that serious, this coronavirus. Almost all people recover so what’s the big deal?

Well, person who is not taking social distancing very seriously, we stay home because if we don’t we break our healthcare system. Which then means, more people will die. If it is indeed 1.2% of people who die from the virus, you remove the healthcare system’s capacity to treat people who need to breath, that number gets closer to 5% real fast.

We’re not only staying home for our own health, though that’s certainly part of it. We’re staying home to slow the spread because we have no idea whose infected since our own government completely botched coronavirus testing. So in order to not overwhelm the health system with so many patients there needs to be rationing and decisions made on who lives and who dies, we stay home.

For the good of the community, individuals need to step up. Those of us who aren’t essential workers and who do not work in healthcare must hold the line. For all the nurses and doctors out there who are on the frontlines, who are making a tremendous sacrifice for all of us. Some of whom will die and some will be scarred for life. The least we can do is stay home. There will be time to address our past healthcare system failures. But for now, we hold the line, we buy us time, and we #StayHome.