Warning: Both Sides

Put simply, “BOTH SIDES” is motherfucking weak sauce.

This project is a response to the laziest pizzaburger of all political arguments: the dreaded BOTH SIDES.”

You’ve heard about gerrymandering, yeah? It’s not an OK practice. And there have been times when Democrats have abused the system. But there is not a political equivalent to the Republican side. The Republican side has fully embraced gerrymandering as a cynical, baked-in national strategy to hold onto power, democracy be damned. It’s not about representation to them, it’s about cheating.

We’re about to enter into another seemingly yearslong slog of a presidential race where a politician is going up against a insurrectionist. Again, NOT THE SAME.

There will be assholes out there who can’t see the difference. Well ya know what? FUCK THEM. They are idiots. But they can’t be written off. Right now today, they have to be put in their place like the weak sauce motherfuckers they are.

We can’t let self-proclaimed lovers of pizzaburgers (which no one actually is) off the hook. They belong on the hook until they bleed out. They are what’s wrong with American politics. If the “BOTH SIDES” crowd didn’t exist neither would Donald Trump.

If you didn’t vote for Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020 then you voted for Trump, dipshit. Quit being dumb, America doesn’t have ranked choice voting. Unlike gender, our elections are BINARY.

So please, enjoy this nonsense of a project that was incredibly fun to make. In it you will learn the difference between an insurrection and the very real American issues our system as a whole is guilty of: no universal healthcare, defaulting to ruthless capitalism, ruining the planet, screwing workers, the problems with corporate media, national warmongering, etc.

But don’t you dare for one second think this really isn’t about gut punching anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat up and down the ballot since Republicans are backing a lying, cheating, insurrectionist snake oil salesman all wannabe GOPers seem to be very keen on emulating.

SO yeah, thanks for playing, comrade.

Dissent, power, progress

For love of country, for love of our communities and the people who live in them, we stand up and speak out. We talk back to nonsense. We hold the line against hate. We thoughtfully, and with reason, refute lies and other falsehoods by people who hold personal distain for truth. 

After 9/11, as the country entered a dumb war, leftists and peace activists were labeled as cowards and unpatriotic. We weren’t then, we aren’t now. Dissent is a pillar of how America has progressed. Despite the American flaws so evident now under the current president, we can, of course, still correct. 

Take a knee to protest racial inequality and systemic oppression. Take the streets to demand rights for all. We aren’t taking back anything, we’re taking the time to push forward. Dissent for the needs of others, dissent to defend truth, and dissent for the love of country.

Essential Gratitude

We wanted to do a little side project to send out the love to all essential workers in the middle of this pandemic. Ones we know, ones we don’t. To show our gratitude, to let them know we’re thinking of them, that we have their back in this national emergency. Initially, we thought website. But that would take too long. Instead, we opted for Instagram Stories.

In order to participate, all you non-essential workers out there, just screenshot the template, fill in your answers, and pin to your story. Done and Done. Simple, easy, and as social as it gets in this time of distancing.

A small gesture. A tiny act. But in these times of colossal challenges, massive changes, and incredible hardships, small things might be our best chance.

Stay safe all, and stay home.

Hold the Line

Why all the fuss? Why can’t we go out? Why do we have to stay home? It’s not all that serious, this coronavirus. Almost all people recover so what’s the big deal?

Well, person who is not taking social distancing very seriously, we stay home because if we don’t we break our healthcare system. Which then means, more people will die. If it is indeed 1.2% of people who die from the virus, you remove the healthcare system’s capacity to treat people who need to breath, that number gets closer to 5% real fast.

We’re not only staying home for our own health, though that’s certainly part of it. We’re staying home to slow the spread because we have no idea whose infected since our own government completely botched coronavirus testing. So in order to not overwhelm the health system with so many patients there needs to be rationing and decisions made on who lives and who dies, we stay home.

For the good of the community, individuals need to step up. Those of us who aren’t essential workers and who do not work in healthcare must hold the line. For all the nurses and doctors out there who are on the frontlines, who are making a tremendous sacrifice for all of us. Some of whom will die and some will be scarred for life. The least we can do is stay home. There will be time to address our past healthcare system failures. But for now, we hold the line, we buy us time, and we #StayHome.

Poster: I Dissent!

While true, Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a woman of small size, her impact on the country and her stature in the minds of the people who love her is massive. 3 letters is all you need; direct, big, bold, in your face. A small sign-off of “I Dissent!” as a response to this political insanity we are living through. The small crown icon as a shoutout to the cultural references to Biggie where she’s shown with one atop her head. Designed pro bono for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.

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