Two Website Budgets

It’s obvious. It’s in the feel of it. One website was designed and developed by a professional who sweats the small stuff. The other just wasn’t.

Two Design Budgets

There are two types of budgets when it comes to design. One for the clients who want to make you work on their terms. The other for the clients who let you work on yours.

Suspicious of commercially successful art

Don’t let hyper commercialism turn you off from great art. So what if tons of people are listening/watching/enjoying something that used to be underground. Let it go, it’s still art.

Takeaway 9/11

What if we could? What if we could scratch it from our history? Just remove it. The catastrophic event so tragic for a nation, typically the purveyor of large scale tragedies since our very beginning. So much of our existence in these 2000s have been defined by our collective shock, trauma, and fear by September 11, 2001. If we could simply cut it out, like you would a tumor, how would we be different? How would we look today without the weight of that epic day, that generation defining tragedy, no longer the heavy burden around our necks as we try to trudge forward?

Enough hiding behind options

I’m trying to get better at this. Showing lots of work. Lots of options. And leaving it up the client to decide. I’m trying to not do that. Because ultimately, I should be able to make the call. To focus the direction. To finalize the design as it should be. So it has the best chance of existing in the world and succeeding in whatever ways it needs to.

Paul Giamatti

Every two years, Film Streams brings a high-profile actor to Omaha for a fundraising event called Feature. Orchestrated by award-winning director and Film Streams board member Alexander Payne, this year we welcomed Paul Giamatti to the city. A very special evening at the Holland Performing Arts Center and the largest fundraising event to date for this cinema nonprofit.

Way back I remember seeing American Splendor at an arthouse theater in Lincoln. Such a great film. Made better by the magnificently skilled Paul Giamatti. I don’t really know what makes a great actor, but if I needed to point to an example of someone out there today making great films and TV shows, I’d go with Mr. Giamatti.

Love. Empathy. Pluralism.

What we all need in our lives, both personally and collectively. There’s too much of us happening all over the place for love, empathy, and pluralism to not be a focus.