Weigh the Situation

And do with the situation calls for. Often, that is the job. And people who can do that, well I just love them.

Recipe for Success

Let the people who do the stuff just do the stuff. It that’s how the project goes, goodness do I work hard. If it’s the opposite, goodness do I get frustrated.

Passing Us By

Yep, it all is. Everything. There’s too much. And what we choose to focus our attention on, that’s what we catch, even in the smallest amounts. That’s what it is, it’s who we are, and who we become.

Where we’re at

If this year has taught us anything, it’s that all of this is temporary and what we choose to do with our power is the real question of our time here.


Design projects don’t need to be as hard as people make them.

The Punch Up

Careful who you punch down on, cuz when that punch up springs back at ya it jolts like a motherfucker.